Indra’s Net Coalition

Indra’s Net Indra’s Net Coalition (INC) is a registered CA 501c3 nonprofit that exists to offer free and accessible support for those suffering from stress and trauma, including first responders, Covid-19 survivors, health care workers, and social justice activists.

Sharing groups are organized to bring together those with similar experiences and are led by trained peer facilitators. Groups offer a supportive space for emotional expression, relief, self-exploration, coping strategies through listening and interacting with each other.

We welcome you to join Indra’s Net and to begin healing with our support and the support of your group.

Modern life can feel overwhelming.
Healing begins with coming together.

How It Works

Sharing groups are held as a 6-week virtual or in-person program and organized by themes such as COVID-19, abuse, racism, ecological crisis, financial stress and more.

One 90 minute
each session each week

participants per group

Led by 2 trained

to join

What Indra’s Net Participants are Saying

This experience felt like a timely antidote to the isolation so many of us experienced during the height of the pandemic. Meeting together, in the formation of a healing circle, was like an anchor in turbulent waters. Being with others in this way was so meaningful and helped me to digest a lot of what was going on in my life at that time. I cherish the experience to this day.


A perquisite to healing is safety, and safety is established through connection. While participating in Indra’s Net, I felt seen and heard in a way that brought deep healing during a challenging time.


Melissa believes in the power of community and collective sacred dreaming. She is honored to be part of the Indra’s Neta community and the ongoing reciprocity of sharing, giving and receiving.

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Indra’s Net Coalition

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