Global Outreach

Global Outreach

 While it is certainly ambitious in its scope, the time calls for grand initiatives for a suffering world– a global group therapy for the realization of our connectedness–lighting the jewels of  indra’s Net.  We are optimistic that this will contribute to a collective constructive sharing of resources and action for basic human rights.  Covid 19 is a world wide unprecedented disaster and yet it has also brought with it an arising of goodness and compassion, with spontaneous expressions of connection.. In Italy they sang across the balconies.  In Marin County, north of the Golden Gate,  we have an 8 PM howl-in.  Virtual connections and programs are erupting, as are gatherings of friends and loved ones across the Zoom stream. The pandemic has us thinking outside the box, getting creative about ways of offering support and connection. Within this plague, Black Lives Matter has taken root with broad participation to end racism.  Recognition of the failure of governments to safeguard the lives of their peoples is rampant.  We are in a time of calamity and only unity and sharing can make for change. Indra’s Net is part of this movement.

Indra’s Net is global in scope. Each locale in the world has different accessibility to therapy and trauma support. Covid-19 has greatly complicated getting access to therapeutic support in a healthy and safe manner.  One example is the lack of access to computers and the internet for Zoom therapy support. Indra’s Net seeks to offer low cost or free trauma therapy solutions to underserved populations who may not have access to trauma therapy or who cannot afford these services. Part of our intention is to make various, effective modalities of trauma therapy widely available and easily accessible.


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